Month: March 2014

Building a vSphere 5.5 home lab: Part 3 – Prepare the base template

Base Template
Although it is not necessary to convert the base VM to a template in my setup I believe it is a good practise to do this in general if you plan to deploy a lot of VMs from a base machine. Converting the VM to a template ensures it cannot be operated, and thus avoid having someone else accidentally mess with it. Using the Linked Clone technology also reduce the amount of space a cloned machine utilize.


Building a vSphere 5.5 home lab: Part 2 – Base Template

Base Template

I am now going to build a base template to be used for new virtual machines needed for the core infrastructure. I will use Windows 2012 R2 as the base OS, and I will use the Linked Clones technology of VMware Workstation to minimize disk space utilization. This makes sure the virtual machines are not taking up a lot of space.


Building a vSphere 5.5 home lab: Part 1 – VMware Workstation 10 configuration

I was at a VMware Install, Configure, Manage v5.5 course a week ago and this invoked my interest in virtualization. I quickly scattered the net for a guide on how to set up a lab for myself, and I found one guy who came down to my level of understanding. He has done a step-by-step guide of how to set up a 5.1 environment.
